Brothers and Curls | Family Photographer Chicagoland

Why are my children playing in a sun-drenched field?

  1. Because they’re truly just wonderful and go along with all of my crazy requests

  2. And, because I was desperate to capture my youngest’s curls.


Desperate to document them before they grew out. My stomach drops just thinking about his first haircut - my last link to babyhood in my house.


He is my last. My “baby” who:

  • still loves to co-sleep

  • gives hundreds of kisses a day

  • says, “Mom, I want you,” when he’s tired

  • spends more time upside down than right side up!


I want these sweet curls on my walls and in my albums, because I want to remember THESE moments forever. This is our story right THIS minute, and it’s beautiful.


Today looks like:

  • messy hair

  • food-stained faces

  • dirt under fingernails

  • windows covered in fingerprints

  • dinosaurs in the shower

  • bear hugs that make everything in life ok

The crazy thing is, that suddenly today becomes tomorrow, and all of these things change. They start taking an interest in their appearance, and showering and combing their hair. Fingers get busy texting friends instead of smudging windows. Bath toys disappear, and problems require more than a bear hug to solve.

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Those curls are so much more than hair. They’re my last symbol of him needing me - before he marches off independently to preschool in just a few short weeks.

Was it crazy to do a session to document his sweet baby curls?

Absolutely not.

It would have been crazy not to.


Want to capture the beauty of your life as it is today? Not the perfect. The real. What are the parts that tug on your heart? Click below to tell me about it. Capture your today, before it turns into tomorrow.

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Sibling Session August 2019